Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I NeeD To Go FoR a HoLiDaY...

need some breaks to write here..hehe..tgh2 busy pn sempat lg..nk release stress!! this few  weeks are like crazy! especially when directly involve in susbtantive work..i hate calling people..i hate talking to pride people..bukan x suka or x ikhlas doing that job, tp sometimes its really mengenangkan amanah, redhakan je la..right now just pray everything would run smoothly..sume org sgt tertekan skrg..hee..cepatla abis JCICM 2010 ni..then i'm off to go 4 a holiday..yeayyy!!! 

actually x planning pn smp nk gi since k.mona dh pelawa nk gi PD, then automatically trus nk apply cuti (rite after prog, trus nk apply)..heee..ikut plan nk ajak mak abah gi skali, tp since abah adalah sgt pyh nk gi jejalan, maka mak pn xdptlah ikut walaupun hakikatnya tau mak sgt suke gi time kot ajak mak abah sume gi jejalan mane2..k.mona dh siap tempah hotel, so each of us yg join tu kena la tong2..kalo adik2 x join, i might be the single one, yg len sume berkeluarga..ok la tu..1 bilik sure sy yg conquer..yeayy..

semoga dgn percutian ni, semua stress sy ilang..n i would be happily perform in, go back to work zana!

Monday, April 5, 2010

24th birthday


hari meningkatlah usia sy menjadi 24thn..alhamdulillah sy masih diberikan pluang tuk berada di muka bumi allah ni, menghidup udara yg sm dgn insan2 lain & dpt hidup gembira disamping insan2 yg sy sgt syg..terima kasih ya Allah..bersyukur usia sy masih pjg, wpun lately sy xlah berapa supposely i should be happy celebrating my birthday, but deep down in my heart, i am a little bit upset..lgpun sy terasa sgt lemah skrg ni..perhaps sbb sy x selera mkn this few weeks, wt bdn sy jd quite asik kata muka sy x cukup darah je..hee..

ada apa dgn 24 thn? it's just a number, bkn kayu pengukur tuk ape2..cume sy berharap sy dpt jd insan yg jauh lebih baik dr sblm ni..jd hambaNya yg lebih taat, n jd anak yg senantiasa menyayangi org tua ksygn sy..terharu dgn mereka2 yg mengingati birthday sy, make an effort to celebrate my besday..pd sy, bkn cpt atau lmbt wish besday sy yg jd keutamaan, tp the effort to appreciate my birthday is the main thing..anyway, terima kasih yg x terhingga tuk insan2 yg menghargai besday sy..i love u all..may allah bless u all the time..